Unless you're already shooting, the final boss can kill you the very moment it appears on screen due to how its attacks work.Have fun with the boss rushes when you only have one ship left! Speaking of reserves, the amount of ships you start with is all you've got - there's no way to get any more without running out of them and getting a Game Over.If you lose them, you'd better hope it's running low on health the attack will become almost completely unavoidable.

When fighting The Sun, some barriers will spawn at the beginning of the fight to protect you from its wave attack.Sometimes, however, there will be no such luck and you'll get blindsided by a tiny enemy moving into position at breakneck speeds with zero warning. Classic Video Game "Screw You"s: For the most part, enemies that are spawning will usually have some kind of visual indicator, such as a path or an outline of them being formed.Bullet Hell: The very core of Infinity Gene, getting exponentially worse on higher difficulty settings.Brutal Bonus Level: Some bonus levels are incredibly challenging, such as X-29, a much more difficult version of 3-5.Broken Record: Nameless' theme plays the same high-pitched synth riff from the title screen nonstop, interspersed with bits of music that had played in previous levels.X-29, a bonus stage, is similar to 3-5, but all the bosses are much harder. Boss Rush: Several 3-5 has you fight many bosses displayed up to that point, with 5-5 displaying bosses from both the 2D and 3D sections of the game.Boss-Only Level: A few 1-6 is the earliest and features the very first boss in the game.After defeating the Final Boss, the final seconds of gameplay consist of going back to that same recreation, though this time you're trying to shoot down the last alien before it touches down. Book Ends: The first seconds of gameplay of consist of a recreation of the original Space Invaders, before launching you into the first proper stage.